Shoe Selection

Every pair of feet is unique to their owner and footwear bearing the HFG mark will only provide good comfort and wear qualities if the fit is good. It is preferable if shoes are fitted by a qualified shoe fitter. A trained fitter from the Society of Shoe Fitters can be located by visiting their website.

The HFG aren't advocating that individuals become self-shoe fitters what is being suggested below is a simply walk through of some of the basics which can help when checking the fit of one's own current shoes as opposed to new ones.

Users of the HFG guidelines are encouraged to follow the advice below to help check if there is a good standard of fit but if in doubt as previously mentioned consult a trained fitter. A critical factor to achieve a good fit is a fastening with sufficient adjustment. Styles with a lace, touch and close fastening or buckle provide most adjustment and the HFG encourage purchasers to select footwear with this type of fastening where possible.

The HFG have considered that some users of the guidelines will have difficulty with lace, buckle or touch and close type fastenings and have included products that meet the guidelines and have elasticated adjustment. It should be recognised that elasticated fastenings cannot provide the range of adjustment of other fastening types but do provide a solution if managing alternative fastenings is difficult.

What are the Healthy Footwear Guidelines?

  • Toe box allows normal foot function
  • Adequate width and depth for foot function
  • Sole encourages normal foot function
  • Soft flexible upper and lining
  • Stable heel of approximately 25mm
  • In shoe climate which promotes a healthy environment within the shoe
  • Shoe provides reasonable cosseting
  • Shoe retains its’ fitness for purpose
  • Shoe must offer good foot retention
  • Availability of product advice
  • Outsole grip meets industry standards



Please read our advice on slippers

Aims of the Guide

  1. Help people to recognise the key features of footwear that will most likely offer a healthy and comfortable fit
  2. Encourage companies to manufacture shoes with these key features
  3. Encourage companies to join the Healthy Footwear Guide and actively promote footwear with these key features
  4. Help people find shoe stores that can advise on the correct fit of this footwear
  5. Offer advice to people who cannot get to a shoe store on the key fitting properties to look for when trying Healthy Footwear Guide recommended footwear